FAQ About Lentils



Q: What are lentils?  A: Lentils are legumes

Q: Are lentils gluten free? A: yes

Q: What are the nutritional values of lentils? A: They are high in protein, fiber, B vitamins, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and manganese. However, they are low in fat and sodium.

Q: What are the health benefits of lentils? A: They are good for our heart health because of their low fat and low sodium content. They are also good for blood sugar control due to their low glycemic index value and high fiber content. Because it is high in fiber, it also helps with our gut health.

Q: Do all color of lentils have the same nutrients? A: The nutrition contents are very similar among different colors of lentils.  

Q: Do all colors of lentils cook the same? A: No. red and yellow lentils are split lentils which means the husks have been removed. Therefore, they require less of cooking time than whole lentils that have intact husks, such as green or brown lentils.  

Q: How to use lentils? A: They are great in soups, stews, baked goods or in salads

Q: Do I need to soak dry lentils before cooking? A: No, just rinse, clean and then cook them.