The Whole grain duo: Quinoa & Brown Rice



Quinoa and brown rice have recently gained popularity. In the nutrition world, they both are considered whole grain (although quinoa is technically a seed) and are packed with nutrients.  They both contain protein and are gluten free. This makes them a good grain and protein choice for people who have celiac disease, eat plant-based, or vegan diets. In case you are wondering whether to choose quinoa over brown rice or vice versa, know that they both are packed with nutrients such as fiber, iron, folate, B vitamins, and magnesium. They both are high in antioxidants and are considered anti-inflammatory foods as well. So, even though there are some nutritional differences, both quinoa and brown rice are healthy to eat. Eating quinoa and brown rice add variety to our diets and make eating fun and interesting.  

Our family has been using the Seeds of Change Quinoa and Brown Rice with garlic flavor for a while. If you read the ingredient list, this product contains whole grain brown rice and whole grain quinoa. Seeing the words whole grain on the ingredient list is how you know you are actually getting and eating whole grain foods.

I have seen many recipes use this product in soups, salads, and stir fry dishes. I thought it would be fun to create something different. After many tries, I have come up with quinoa and brown rice dipper, stuffed mushroom caps, and crackers.

All these recipes are easy to modify.  Add, substitute or skip any ingredients according to your liking.  If you don’t have the spicy ketchup, you can make your own by mixing the regular ketchup with other spicy sauces you have. Fill the mushroom caps with only quinoa and brown rice mixture or substitute the egg for cheese on top of the mushroom caps. I know my cracker recipe is not the traditional cracker recipe.  It is just another simple, easy and delicious way to use the product for a healthy snack option. I called them crackers, because they are thin and crispy. The best way to eat those crackers is to eat them right out of the oven. Reheat your leftover “crackers” in a toaster oven to bring back the crispiness. 

I had a lot of fun creating these recipes, let me know what you come up with. Happy creating and eating!!
